Sada prikazujemo: Kenija - Poštanske marke (1980 - 1989) - 352 marke.
10. Siječanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14
![[The 4th African Highway Conference, Nairobi, Tip EZ]](
![[The 4th African Highway Conference, Nairobi, Tip FA]](
![[The 4th African Highway Conference, Nairobi, Tip FB]](
![[The 4th African Highway Conference, Nairobi, Tip FC]](
20. Ožujak WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14½
![[Flying Doctor Semice, Tip FD]](
![[Flying Doctor Semice, Tip FE]](
![[Flying Doctor Semice, Tip FF]](
![[Flying Doctor Semice, Tip FG]](
6. Svibanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14
![[International Stamp Exhibition "London '80" - London, England, Tip ]](
8. Svibanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13½
![[Papal Visit in Kenya, Tip FI]](
![[Papal Visit in Kenya, Tip FJ]](
![[Papal Visit in Kenya, Tip FK]](
![[Papal Visit in Kenya, Tip FL]](
27. Srpanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14½
![[Marine Life, Tip FM]](
![[Marine Life, Tip FN]](
![[Marine Life, Tip FO]](
![[Marine Life, Tip FP]](
9. Listopad WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14¼
![[Historic Buildings, Tip FQ]](
![[Historic Buildings, Tip FR]](
![[Historic Buildings, Tip FS]](
![[Historic Buildings, Tip FT]](
![[Historic Buildings, Tip FU]](
![[Historic Buildings, Tip FV]](
10. Veljača WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14½ x 13½
![[International Year for Disabled Persons, Tip FW]](
![[International Year for Disabled Persons, Tip FX]](
![[International Year for Disabled Persons, Tip FY]](
![[International Year for Disabled Persons, Tip FZ]](
15. Travanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14¼ x 15
![[Satellite Communications, Tip GA]](
![[Satellite Communications, Tip GB]](
![[Satellite Communications, Tip GC]](
![[Satellite Communications, Tip GD]](
17. Lipanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 13½ x 13¾
![[The 18th Organisation of African Unity Summit Conference, Nairobi, Tip GE]](
![[The 18th Organisation of African Unity Summit Conference, Nairobi, Tip GF]](
![[The 18th Organisation of African Unity Summit Conference, Nairobi, Tip GG]](
![[The 18th Organisation of African Unity Summit Conference, Nairobi, Tip GH]](
![[The 18th Organisation of African Unity Summit Conference, Nairobi, Tip GI]](
29. Srpanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14
![[Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, Tip GJ]](
![[Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, Tip GK]](
![[Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, Tip GL]](
![[Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, Tip GM]](
29. Srpanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14
![[Royal Wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, Tip ]](
31. Kolovoz WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14½
![[Endangered Species, Tip GO]](
![[Endangered Species, Tip GP]](
![[Endangered Species, Tip GQ]](
![[Endangered Species, Tip GR]](
16. Listopad WM: Ništa Perforacija: 14¼
![[World Food Day, Tip GS]](
![[World Food Day, Tip GT]](
![[World Food Day, Tip GU]](
![[World Food Day, Tip GV]](
18. Prosinac WM: Ništa Dizajn: Adrienne Kennaway Graviranje: Adrienne Kennaway Perforacija: 14½ x 13½
![[Ceremonial Costumes, Tip GW]](
![[Ceremonial Costumes, Tip GX]](
![[Ceremonial Costumes, Tip GY]](
![[Ceremonial Costumes, Tip GZ]](
![[Ceremonial Costumes, Tip HA]](